2018 Ledger of Honour recipients announced at ACAF: Bertram and Horak

Tonight at the Australian Comic Arts Festival (ACAF) held in Canberra, the two recipients of the 2018 Ledger of Honour were announced.

This year’s recipients are Moira and Kathleen Bertram and Yaroslav Horak.

Moira Bertram (with her letterer sister, Kathleen) was one of the very few female artists working in the comics industry of the 40s and 50s in Australia. Her bold, distinct style and dynamic layouts were ahead of their time. Key works include: Jo and Her Magic Cape, Flameman, Red Finnegan.

Yaroslav ‘Larry’ Horak worked on many Australian comics from the late 40s to the mid-60s. Moving to the UK, he was given the assignment of drawing the James Bond newspaper strip, first adapting Ian Fleming’s novels, then producing original stories with writer Jim Lawrence.  Key works include: Jet Fury, The Mask, Captain Fortune, James Bond, Cop Shop.

The Ledger Awards will be held mid-year, where the Ledgers Annual will feature in-depth articles on both artists and their careers.

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