2019 Ledger Awards Ceremony: you are invited!

The State Library of NSW proudly presents: THE 2019 LEDGER AWARDS CEREMONY. Acknowledging excellence in Australian comics and graphic novels

The 2019 Ledger Awards Ceremony will be held in the Gallery Room of the State Library of NSW. Access is via the Mitchell Steps on Shakespeare Place. Our MC will be, as always, the inimitable, Platinum Ledger Award winning, Bernard Caleo. Entertainment will be supplied by the wonderful people of Read To Me.

Doors will open at 6:30pm with the Awards Ceremony commencing at 7pm. Official proceedings will be followed by socialising and celebration in the Library’s beautiful Friends Room.

Admission: FREE. Everyone welcome! Bring your friends! Tickets must be reserved via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the-ledger-awards-tickets-57461392572

Enquiries: tim@ledgerawards.org

With thanks to: The State Library of New South Wales, JMC Academy, Kings Comics, Impact Comics, Comics Mastermind and Jeffries Printing.

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