2022 Awards Ceremony: Saturday, 6 August 3:45 – 4:40 (WA time)
The Comic Art Awards of Australia (ex Ledger Awards) have been running for the past 18 years and are Australia’s only award dedicated exclusively to the medium. Come and celebrate the incredible year in comics that has been 2021, where awards will be given out for gold, silver and bronze trophies. In addition, the platinum award will be given to a person or organisation that has shown dedication and given assistance to Australian comics in some way.
Lastly, two platinum CAAA of Honour awards will be given to legends in Australian comics from the past 90 years and entry to the Australian Comics Hall of Fame.
As a bonus, all attendees will be able to pick up a free copy of the Comic Arts Awards of Australia Annual, a full colour, 96 page book celebrating all the winners in detail.
Featuring: Bruce Mutard, Bernard Caleo and guests.
Dr. Bruce Mutard is a comics maker, publisher and researcher. His graphic novels include The Sacrifice, The Silence, A Mind of Love, The Bunker and Post Traumatic. His latest graphic novel Bully Me, was published as Souffre Douleur in France in 2019. He completed his PhD at Edith Cowan University with his thesis The Erotics of Comics, and likes to make comics as scholarship. He is director of the Comic Arts Awards of Australia and editor/publisher of the Australian Comic Annual. He has been a curator and program director at the Perth Comic Arts Festival.
Bernard Caleo is a comic book teacher, maker, and communicator. He was the editor and publisher of the romance comics anthology Tango, made the feature film Graphic Novels Melbourne with filmmaker Daniel Hayward and is part of the graphic novel publishing enterprise Twelve Panels Press. In 2021 he started a PhD at the University of Melbourne’s Creative Writing program, the outcome of which will be a comic book set in Melbourne in 1888, and a written thesis examining how Australian comic books create Australian places.
Register on Eventbrite to attend. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/o/pcaf-17354986422