2024 Projects: Call for Judges

We are seeking expressions of interest from Australian residents who would like to judge for the 2025 Comic Arts Awards of Australia. Judges are volunteers and are drawn from the Australian comic book community, from diverse professions and backgrounds, including academics, booksellers, librarians, published comic book writers and illustrators, publishing industry professionals, reviewers and enthusiasts. The only qualification necessary is a demonstrated knowledge of and interest in comic books.

Entries to the awards will include all work published between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2024 eligible for entry. Shortlists from each panel will be required by June 2025 (firm dates will be advised).

About You
Please upload a profile picture which could be used in promoting you as a judge and any CAAA's Annual.
For security verification, please enter any random two digit number. For example: 46

Once you press “Submit”, you will be sent a confirmation email. This page will reload for you to submit another nomination if desired.

Judging notes:

It is vital that judges be able to work as part of a team and meet stringent deadlines, including timely recording of scores and comments for each entry (in a confidential shared file), and responding to panel messages and discussions. Most of the panel discussions are conducted via email, with some panels choosing to have a synchronous online meeting to make final decisions.

All judges must be willing and able to read entries in digital format (usually PDF). Print is still sometimes sent by entrants but we do not require it.

Being an 2024 Comic Arts Awards of Australia judge involves reading all entries. The reading load can become quite heavy at the end of the judging period although we endeavour to obtain works as soon as they are published. Judges may keep their reading copies of entries.