Gap Year Award Recipients

 2008 GOLD LEDGERS (for work published in 2007)

The Great Gatsby. Nicki Greenberg. (Allen & Unwin)

Vowels. Skye Ogden. (Gestalt Publishing)

2009 GOLD LEDGERS (for work published in 2008)

The Sacrifice. Bruce Mutard. (Allen & Unwin)

In For The Krill #1. Jill Brett & Greg Holfeld (Panic Productions)

2010 GOLD LEDGERS (for work published in 2009)

Hollow Fields Omnibus Collection. Madeleine Rosca. (Seven Seas)

Alec: The Years Have Pants. Eddie Campbell. (Top Shelf Productions)

Digested.02. Bobby.N. (Gestalt Publishing)

 Flinch. (Gestalt Publishing)

 2011 GOLD LEDGERS (for work published in 2010)

Changing Ways. Book 1: Mutation. Justin Randall. (Gestalt Publishing)

The Playwright. Daren White & Eddie Campbell. (Top Shelf Productions)

2012 GOLD LEDGERS (for work published in 2011)

Blue. Pat Grant. (Online 2011: Print edition 2012:Top Shelf Productions/Giramondo)

Hidden. Mirranda Burton. (Black Pepper)

2013 GOLD LEDGERS (for work published in 2012)

Mad Bonaz 4 Lyfe. Andrew Fulton. (Self-published)

It Shines and Shakes and Laughs. Tim Molloy. (Milk Shadow Books)

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