How to get a free 2022 Annual

Hopefully by now the 2022 Comic Arts Awards of Australia Annual will be in the hands of Dr Bruce Mutard PhD MDes BFA. He’s happy to send copies of the physical 92 page book to interested parties, but we’d like to make it as easy on him as possible. Each annual weighs in at 332g. So…

Please send a postage-paid (pre-paid to cover the weight), self-addressed (so it gets back to you) padded or reinforced envelope (whatever you’re comfortable with) to:

CAAA Annual c/o Bruce Mutard
PO Box 202
WA 6921

Bruce will pop an annual in the envelope/packaging you send to him and post it back to you. Easy. (If you want more than a single copy, email Bruce before the end of March.)

If you see Tim McEwen at a convention or festival, he’ll have some to give away. Geek Markets will have some at their April 9th show in Canberra as well.

Only while these limited edition stocks last.

OR, download a PDF of the Annual right here.

Thanks to Jeffries Printing for the great print job!

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