2018 Call for Entries

This is where you can submit Australian comics projects for inclusion in the Long List of comics published in the calendar year of 2018. You can submit as many comics as you like and they needn’t be your own. We would like to ensure that the widest net is cast for eligible projects each year.

Every effort will be made to list as many projects as possible, but The Ledger Awards, it’s judges and committees assume no responsibility or fault if a project has been overlooked or missed. The list by its very nature may not be complete.

Call for entries will close: December 31, 2018.

Please contact us if you have any questions!

Submit a comic…

About You

A valid email address.

About the project

Publisher's name here, or "Self published" if the project was self published.
Multiple selections allowed.
Select one:
List any and/or all the Australian creators involved in the project. e.g. John Smith, penciller. Jim Smith, writer. Mary Smith, colourist. No HTML please.
A short description of the project that may be used in the Ledgers Annual etc. If a short story, indicate here what publication/anthology the story appeared in, issue number etc.
A link to the project's official website or a page pertaining specifically to the project. No Facebook pages please.

Email a screen optimised PDF to: mail@ledgerawards.org
Subject: Ledger Awards: Judging Copy
Emailed projects will only be forwarded to the Judging Panel and the Organising Committee. They will not be distributed.

PDFs are preferred, but if physical copies are essential for judging, send six copies of your printed project to:

The Ledger Awards
c/o Gary Chaloner
655 Glen Huon Road
Glen Huon
Tas 7109

Physical copies will be accepted by post up until December 31, 2018.

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Once you press “Submit”, you will be sent a confirmation email. This page will reload for you to submit another project if desired.