
2023 Awards update

A quick summary of where we are at with this year's Awards. Some awards have already been decided!

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Norman Clifford celebrates!

2022 Ledger of Honour recipient Norman Clifford celebrating his award and reading all about himself in last year’s Annual.

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Save the date, mate!

The 2023 Awards ceremony will be held on Friday night, 15 September in Adelaide, ahead of the Papercuts Comics Festival weekend. Venue and timing details to be advised. As Stinky the Comic Book Crow says: “Save the date, mate!”

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Today, the lights go out on the old website and emails associated with “ledgerawards dot org”. It’s the final technical move from the Ledger Awards to Comic Arts Awards of Australia. Same awards, different name. The physical awards themselves will still be known as “a Ledger”, and our nine panel grid graphic mark will still be around to link us …

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